Everything you need to know about ESG regulation

First things first: ESG regulation can offer great opportunities for you and your customers. Because sustainable investing is the future – and a matter of the heart for more and more investors. Find out first-hand which deadlines and requirements are important and how you can support your customers.

1. Oversee regulation

The EU action plan is changing the investment world – with what goal?

2. Classify SFDR

Articles 6, 8 and 9 – will the classification affect counseling practice?


3. Align investment advice with sustainability

More and more investors attach importance to ESG aspects – what opportunities does this hold?

ESG regulation plus surge in demand

This opens up new opportunities for you – and changes requirements. Three aspects are particularly important:

1. Oversee ESG regulation

With its financial market policy, the EU Commission is playing a pioneering role worldwide – and it is changing the investment world.

As early as March 2018, the Commission launched the „Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth“ – updates are to follow. The goals of the plan make one thing very clear: regulatory measures under the keywords „taxonomy“, „disclosure (SFDR)“ and „supplement to MiFID II“ have a massive impact on investment advice.

2. File Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Creating transparency on ESG issues and serving as a compass in the universe of fund products: the objectives of the Disclosure Regulation are clear. But what do Articles 6, 8 and 9 mean for counseling practice? Find out what the SFDR is already doing today, how it will be further expanded – and where it probably falls short.

3. Align investment advice with sustainability

Growing demand for stocks from companies that act sustainably can drive up their valuations on the investment markets. Advisors who pay attention to sustainability criteria when investing can strengthen the resilience of their clients‘ portfolios, improve returns and reduce risks.